The First Scroll: Baronial Fencing Champion

 This was my first scroll. It is for the Baronial Fencing Champion in the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn (Suffolk County, NY) in the East Kingdom.

The First Draft
The Final Version
I did not know how to draw a rapier, so my husband drew one which I then copied.  The remaining elements were all out of my own head.

It was won by a fairly new member of our group, and his name was filled in by a "battlefield scribe" i.e. someone other than the original scribe who fills in the name at the last minute.

It was awarded at a later event after I had become the Deputy Baronial Herald, so I got to read a scroll I created in Baronial Court.  That was very cool.

On a day of Honor and Glory
did Our Fencers take to
the list and engage until One
stood, Alone, Victorious -
Thus this Valorous Fencer -
Thomas Parlapiano
became Out Baronial Fencing Champion
by Our Hands at Potted Arms on June
17, 2017 AS LII at Kissam Barn
Canton of Hawkes Reache, Barony
of An Dubhaigeainn
